Orofacial Myology

Orofacial Myology

Orofacial Myofunctional Disorders (OMDs) occur when the muscles and structures of the mouth and face are not properly positioned or functioning in a coordinated way. Signs of this can include mouth breathing, forward tongue positioning, grinding or clenching teeth, messy or picky eating, sleep apnea or sleep-disordered breathing, snoring, crowded teeth, thumb sucking, attention concerns, and persistent speech sound errors. In children, we may also see attention and behavior concerns, learning challenges, and bedwetting.

Our Mission

At Space City Speech, we specialize in laying the foundation for better speech, breathing, swallowing, and sleep. This starts with an evaluation that aims to help identify potential causes of OMDs, which may include tongue or lip ties, allergies, enlarged tonsils or adenoids, oral habits, prolonged pacifier and bottle use, and genetics. Exercises, tools, and education used in myofunctional therapy aim to help establish or improve nasal breathing, speech sound production, chewing and swallowing patterns, and appropriate oral resting posture. Some people like to think of this as physical therapy for the muscles of the face, tongue, and mouth. Collaboration with parents, caregivers, and healthcare professionals on your treatment team is valued to help you and your child achieve your best communicative success! 

Orofacial Myofunctional Therapy

In myofunctional therapy, dynamic oral exercises will lead clients through a hierarchy to build on functional strengths. Sessions are interactive and involve the child’s interests and learning style to make therapy as engaging as it is effective! Our aim is to teach clients the tools to reduce oral habits and speak clearly and confidently. Initial assessments are typically 60-90 minutes in length. The duration of your sessions will depend on skills tests and development evaluations assessed at every visit alongside intervention that may be required from medical professionals (e.g., orthodontist, ENT, GI doctor). Clients can expect 6-12 months of myofunctional therapy. 


  • Tongue and lip tie functional assessment
  • Oral habit elimination (thumb sucking, extended pacifier use, nail biting)
  • Speech sound disorders
  • Oral to nasal breathing
  • Collaboration with outside medical professionals 
  • Parent education of OMDs combined with home program

Courtney Scaggs M.S., CCC-SLP, is specially trained to help identify and treat orofacial myofunctional disorders in children and adults. Her comprehensive approach considers each individual and their unique profile in order to construct a personalized plan for training orofacial function. Clinic-based as well as virtual therapy is offered, where you can get consultation and treatment wherever you are in the comfort of your home. 

To learn more about myofunctional therapy services and how they can help you or your child, call Space City Speech now or schedule your evaluation via email.

    What is a tongue-tie?

    A congenital condition in which the tongue is tethered to the floor of the mouth by a membrane (frenulum) that restricts normal tongue mobility. This restricted mobility leads to poor muscle function for sleeping, breathing, speaking, swallowing, and appropriate rest posture. Assessment from an SLP and airway-focused medical professional will lead to discussion on whether a client may benefit from a tongue-tie release. 

    Should I be concerned about my child’s thumb sucking?

    While it can be a common behavior in younger children, thumb sucking (as well as pacifier and bottle use) past the toddler year can have detrimental effects. This habit may become a factor in dental and oral health complications. As a child’s secondary teeth begin to erupt, thumb-sucking may create problems with the proper teeth alignment and may inhibit key structures in your child’s mouth from developing appropriately. 

      Get Help For Your Child Now!

      To know if your child would benefit from Articulation & Phonological therapy, give Space City Speech a call. I would be glad to talk with you and let you know whether we suggest an assessment. 

      If you would want to schedule a free virtual consultation, feel free to call us at (540) 325-6375.